User Interviews
Updated over a week ago

Add a User Interview block

User interview studies allow you to have video calls with real users directly on Wondering. You can recruit users for user interview studies on Wondering either from inside your product using the Wondering widget, or using a shareable link.

To recruit for a new user interview go to New study. From there, click on + New block and select User interview.

Wondering supports two types of user interview recruitment styles - Instant or Scheduled.

Instant User Interviews

Instant user interviews start directly when you launch your study. This is useful if you want to speak to someone instantly, for example by recruiting a participant that's active on your website right now.

Scheduled User Interviews

Scheduled user interviews allow you to schedule interviews for specific times in the future. You can still recruit participants directly through your website using the Wondering widget, or using a shareable link. Instead of starting the user interviews straight away, starting a scheduled interview generates a scheduling page which participants can use to schedule in a user interviews with you. Wondering then automatically sends out calendar invites with a video link to both you (the researcher) and the participants you recruit.

Screen your participants

When recruiting for a new user interview using the website widget, you can also choose to add screening questions in the widget. This makes it easy to gather more information from your participants, and to filter out which participants you invite to your user interviews.

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