
Get started faster and fine tune your follow ups

In our continuous journey to enhance your research experience, we're excited to share a range of updates designed to streamline your workflow, foster collaboration, and bring clarity to the role of AI in participant interactions. Let's dive into what's new at Wondering!

Fine grain control of follow ups in our Show block

AI generated follow ups are crucial for researchers to be able to uncover deep insights from their participants. That's why we've revamped our UI to make it easier for researchers to manage follow ups. This improvement makes it easier for researchers to tailor their studies, ensuring that each follow-up question is precisely targeted to gather the needed information.

Stay tuned for further enhancements that will continue to refine usability and control over follow-ups, making your research process as seamless as possible.

Quick Start Buttons on the Dashboard

To help you hit the ground running, we've added quick start buttons directly on your dashboard. These buttons are your shortcut to inviting team members to collaborate and accessing inspiration on what research is best conducted by AI-led interviews.

AI Badge for Transparent Participant Interactions

In our commitment to transparency, we've introduced an AI badge for studies. This badge clearly indicates to participants that they are interacting with AI.

Happy researching, and remember, your feedback drives us forward. Keep sharing your experiences and suggestions! To get started, sign up to a free trial of Wondering here.